Info: 'This application changes the marble picture used as a background to the dialogs in Warlords II. The new background picture is a simple gray, and is very quick to draw, thus speeding up Warlords II.'
Bounds: x1=275, y1=151, x2=475, y2=199
Type: -120
Info: 'This speedup will be most noticable on 68030 Macintoshes and slower '
Bounds: x1=10, y1=199, x2=470, y2=231
Type: -120
Info: '68040 Macintoshes. As Power Macintoshes are already very fast, this speedup is not required.'
Bounds: x1=10, y1=244, x2=475, y2=276
Type: -120
Info: 'To install the new background, simply drag Warlords II onto this application. Do this again to restore the original marble background.'
Bounds: x1=10, y1=286, x2=238, y2=312
Type: -120
Info: 'Created with DropShell by Leonard Rosenthol, Marshall Clow, and Stephan Somogyi'